“A cool medium, whether the spoken word or the manuscript or TV, leaves much more for the listener or user to do than a hot medium. If the medium is of high definition, participation is low. If the medium is of low intensity, the participation is high. Perhaps this is why lovers mumble so.” – Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media

The Cool Medium blog features missives and musings on urban studies, media theory & criticism, and a stochastic roster of other topics.

Curry Chandler is a writer and researcher working in the areas of urban theory, rhetorical criticism, and media studies. His published writings have appeared in academic journals and the popular press, and cover topics such as media effects, digital labor practices, and technology studies.

Curry holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Pittsburgh, where he has also taught as a Visiting Lecturer. In addition to his background in critical media theory he specializes in urban communication studies and the rhetoric of space & place. His current research focuses on the policy discourses and technological infrastructures undergirding “smart city” developments.

Contact Curry through his personal web site.

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